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Delta Module One: Syllabus area 4


Language skills and learners’ linguistic problems
Examination practice tasks

area 3

Your knowledge of language systems and learners' linguistic problems is specifically tested in a number of tasks in the examination.

Tasks Examples
Paper 1, Task 1

This is the simple labelling task.  You are supplied with a set of definitions and asked to label them accordingly.  One or two of these will concern language skills and learner issues.
Here are some examples.  Click on the table when you have written down your answers.

Clearly, question setters have lots of data to draw on for this task.  You need to make sure you have mastered the terminology of language skills analysis.
Paper 1, Task 2

You have to provide a definition and an example of the four terms you are given.  Some of these will focus on skills and learner issues.
Here are some examples.  Click on the table when you have written down your answers.

Paper 1, Task 3

This task does not explicitly target language skills.

You need, however, to be happy that you can use terms such as skim, scan, process, negotiate, discriminate, segmentation, initiate, elicit, inform etc. accurately and precisely to describe language skills need to deploy to perform tasks.
Reading the skills guides and reference books is the only preparation you require.
Paper1, Task 4
This task focuses on strengths and weaknesses in a learner's production.  This refers to both language systems and language skills, of course.
Successfully to describe the strengths and weaknesses, you will need the correct terminology.  Bear in mind that you may get a transcript of student talk here (although that's less likely) and/or a written text, so you need to be able to analyse speaking, too.
Paper1, Task 5
This task does not explicitly target skills analysis.
You will, however, be expected to identify the genre and pick out the linguistic elements which are typical of it so make sure you have assimilated the data in the guides to genre, verbal processes and circumstances on this site.  Here's a short test.

You will be pleased to know that Paper 2 does not explicitly focus on skills analysis but you will have to describe certain features accurately when evaluating materials.
Task 2 in Paper 2 may focus explicitly on skills development so you will need to apply accurate terminology and state what the authors' assumptions are about areas such as the importance of integrating top-down and bottom-up processing and so on.


Some more ideas to prepare for this area of the syllabus:

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