Methodology Terminology 1

Crossword from
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Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
 4   5                    
8             9           
 12                 13      
 16           17            


1. An approach to teaching writing which focuses on the subskills required rather than the outcomes
2. Complementary functions
3. Learning by working out the rule from examples of the form is described this way
4. A type of question to which the teacher knows the answer and the learners knows that
7. A hindrance to learning caused by stress, uncertainty or anxiety
8. Referring to hearing
10. A theory of learning which states that habits can be formed by rewards to output
12. A measure of how accurate and appropriate a piece of language is
14. Referring to speaking
15. A communicative act
16. Seeing the patterns or seeing the differences between your output and a model
17. The language surrounding a target item
18. The study of the sounds of a particular language


1. An approach to teaching writing which focuses on the outcomes
5. Figuring out meaning by using context, co-text and knowledge of the world
6. A measure of how socially acceptable language is
9. The willingness to expend effort
11. Learning by being given the rules to apply to the data
13. The study of all language sounds